Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Pop Up Fika Parlor, 24-26 August, Soho Square in London

Come by to our free Pop Up Fika Parlor and walk in Fika Picnic!

Where: Soho Square in London
When: 24-26 August
Time: 12.30pm-2.30pm  

A team from Skåne, led by world famous pastry chef Jan Hedh will be serving traditional Fika, the Swedish equivalent of high tea and sharing stories about the region.

Reserve a table by emailing reservations@fikasquare.co.uk or come by on the day.

Traditionally, 7 cookies are served as part of the Fika ritual, made from the finest natural ingredients, married with a fresh cup of coffee, it’s the perfect time to indulge and revitalizing. In the 19th century the ingredients for cookies were expensive and it was a sign of wealth be able to offer your guest several varieties of cookies. A competitiveness between hostesses developed and the custom for serving 7 varieties derived.


  1. Love it! What a great idea and everything from Jan Hedh tastes heavenly! If anyone is up in Edinburgh they should try Peter’s Yard (www.petersyard.com) where Jan Hedh spreads the modern artisan baking culture of Sweden.

    Linda, www.skyscanner.se

  2. Yes Peter's Yard is excellent, though I'm biased as it was started by our neighbours Sophie and Robin Dow.
